Monday, October 24, 2011

The Smart Bird

It's not me I'm talking about - although I have no problem with being called smart bird. I'm referring to the Parus Major, or more commonly (and amusingly) called the Great Tit. A tiny little bird. One of the few birds that doesn't migrate to warmer areas when winter comes to Norway (that being a smart thing to do, can be discussed). This particular Great Tit was taking a trip on the Denmark-Norway ferry.

On my way home from Denmark, in the middle of the sea, I suddenly heard this little whistling noise. I should have brought my former colleague, Rune on this trip (he's really good at photographing birds) 'cause that bird flew away every time i reached for my camera. Rune would have dressed up in som fitting camouflage clothes and waited, hidden somewhere out on deck, until that bird decided to participate in the photo session.

Was it living there or was it just really smart? - hitchhiking to Norway to avoid getting tired in its tiny little wings. - Realising that his body wasn't made for greater journeys, but feeling very much like a world traveller, at heart.
There where a lot of people wandering around on the sun deck, and nobody took notice of this little creature, flying around on the rear deck of the boat. It felt like I was the only one noticing this amazing thing happening.

Choosing to take the boat back to Norway instead of the plane (to avoid a headache when it comes to carrying a baby and all the baby equipment), actually made me feel a bit like the smart bird. A world traveller at heart, but with too much luggage to travel fast in the air.

So a toast to the smart bird, who neither is great nor looks like a tit.

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